Inclusion room write-up


A beginner level LFI challenge on TryHackMe

LFI (Local File Inclusion)

Level : Easy

Room link :

Hello friends, thodi hacking krlo // skip-this

TASK 1 :-

Deploy the machine, no answer required

TASK 2 :-

  1. NMAP SCAN : nmap -sV -T4 <I.P>

2. Visiting <I.P> on browser an LFI vulnerable blog shows up

3. Upon visiting one of the blog we can see parameter “?name=” in URL bar and it seems vulnerable. Let’s exploit it!

4. After getting credentials from above ssh into machine and ola we are in 😎

For Privilege Escalation :


Grab the user & root flag from above steps……………

Enjoy, thanks for reading and have a good day 🍺

👋 Follow and connect with me on Github

